INVITATION TO THE WATERSIDE BLACKSMITHING & METAL ART ASSOCIATION - AGM & BBQWhen: 2:30pm Sunday 22 NovemberWhere: Waterside Metal Art StudioBBQ:4pmRSVP for catering : By 5pm 16 NovemberFormer WBMAA members and students of Waterside Metal Art Studio are welcome to attend the annual BBQ, a fee of $20 applies to cover food, please RSVP estebaan@watersidemetalart.orgNew Members: The WBMAA is calling for new members and is looking for some enthusiastic individuals to join the committee to assist prepare and run the 2017 festival. We have dreams of bars and forging on pontoons in the river, installing awesome sculptures - maybe even fire sculptures - and welcome any other great ideas. So, if you were thinking:
- you would like to get a little bit more involved in the blacksmithing and metal art community?
- would like to get some hands-on experience organising events and festivals?
- working with a group of other enthusiastic (and perhaps slightly mad) metal artist volunteers to create something unique and wonderful on the riversedge in Footscray, appeals to you?
Here’s your chance! General membership will allow you to contribute your ideas and views to the committee and also give you voting rights at WBMAA Annual General Meeting. As a general member you are also welcome to become a committee member, particularly if you have some time and organisational skills.To become a member: Fill in the WBMAAmembersApp-Rev0 and email to A yearly membership fee of $10 applies. All new members are welcome to attend the annual AGM and BBQ, free of charge.