The Blacksmiths Festival was attended by over 25 Blacksmiths and forging enthusiasts from QLD, NSW, VIC, SA and TAS with international representatives from Belgium, Germany and New Zealand. It is estimated that over the course of the festival over 2000 people visited with the general comment being that it had a good vibe and that they wish more festivals were like it.There were many highlights to the festival including Ralph Driessens large sculpture which moved in the wind, Dan Brady's unconventional forge fire locomotion train, the festival cruise and dinner, Romanian circle dancing to the gypsy band "Babaganoush" and the finalisation of the linking sculpture which saw elements created by various blacksmiths.Awards were given for the most inspiring and creative links used in the sculpture as follows:
- 1st Prize: Peter Matilla - TAS
- 2nd Prize: Dan Brady - VIC
- 3rd Prize: John Fergus - SA

Following the festival the Belgian Blacksmiths Partick Pelgroms, Raf Nulens and Philipp Vervoort achieved their goal of creating the "Keeper of Fire" a unique sculpture created and gifted to watch and protect over the forge. We are humbled by these generous men who have volunteered their time to support Blacksmithing in Australia.